CFP×SDGs in India

Children clearing garbage scattered land after the flood disaster and trying to plant trees and vegetables
Children clearing garbage scattered land after the flood disaster and trying to plant trees and vegetables

Children are contributing to the disaster-resistant and sustainable community development


In the big flood which occurred in Kerala State in August 2018, many schools participants in Children’s Forest Program (CFP) suffered. Students of the disaster-hit high school actively participated in the recovery activities such as clearing damaged school buildings and houses and distributing relief goods. At the same time, they are standing up from the disaster, while learning from the consequences of the environmental destruction, have started the action so that the reconstructed communities could be sustainable. 

Students holding hand-written placards and posters appealed the community for environmental conservation
Students holding hand-written placards and posters appealed the community for environmental conservation

Also, they are now aware that it is important to look back the daily life of each resident in order to promote measures for reducing garbage and air and water pollution. For that purpose, they are carrying out works shops at schools and PR activities in town, and are spreading awareness and knowledge of environmental conservation.

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