【Philippines】Using Banana Leaves as Seedling Pot

Gathering banana leaves
Gathering banana leaves

Buong Elementary School first opened in 1967 but was closed during Martial Law in the 70s. The school again opened in June 1989. The school is located at the foot of the mountain of Barangay Dumaguena about 18 kilometers away from the national highway of Ochentay Uno, Narra Palawan. 90% of the population are Tagbanua tribe members. Buong opened a 6th grade this school year 2011-2012. For a long time, Buong Elementary is an incomplete elementary school offering classes up to 5th grade in multi-grade classes supervised by two permanent teachers. Buong Elementary School is one of OISCA CFP Palawan supported school.

On October 2011, OISCA-CFP Palawan Coordinator introduced the use of banana leaves as pot in raising seedlings for the school’s organic vegetable garden. Using banana leaves a seedling pots is a new concept. After the CFP Coordinator had shown how to create seedling pots out of banana leaves, the students gathered banana leaves and decided to make seedling pots.

It was observed that banana leaves make good seedling pots. It lasts until the seedlings are ready for transplanting. There is no need to remove the pot when transplanting because the pot itself could be used as fertilizer since it has potassium that are essential for plant growth and fruit bearing. Banana leaves are abundant in the town and are commonly utilized only as food wrapper. It is very seldom used for vegetable seedlings and mushroom beds. The students were very surprised to learn that it is a good seedling pot. The students have taught their parents to create seedling pots with banana leaves instead of burning them which is prohibited by the law.

Buong Elementary School

●Start Year:2011 ●No. of Children:59 children ● Address:Sitio Buong, Barangay Dumaguena, Narra, Palawan

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