2015.6 Camnbodia-1

learning environment and practicing

About 750 students of Deum Kokoh Primary School, Damril Primary School and Damril Secondary School joined the environmental workshop and the planting trees. They learned how to separate garbage or pant the trees in the workshop. After that, they planted about 550 trees.


Environmental workshop


Before planting trees, some teachers and students joined theEnvironmental workshop. The agenda of workshop is OISCA introduction, climatechange, garbage separation and planting method. After workshop, allparticipants practiced at the field on how to plant the tree and how toseparate garbage. The students said that this is their first time to join treeplanting activities like this because OISCA taught them about tree plantingmethod, garbage separation, and climate change that they had never known.

planting and growing trees

The next day of workshop, students who participatedenvironmental workshop shared tree planting method to their classmates beforetree planting. The students from grade 4th to 9th joinedthe trees planting activities. They said that be happy because they can plant trees as they think thatone tree is one life or they are going to take care their trees growing up.

preparations of plantingtrees

The students of eachschool prepared land by themselves as digging and applying basal fertilizer ascaw dung. Besidesthat CFP volunteers arranged a pre-meeting to share responsibility duringenvironmental workshop and tree planting activities. Then they went to meet theprincipal of selected schools aimed to confirm the schedule and check landpreparation.

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