2017. June CFP Sri Lanka 2

Before tree planting, officials of Agriculture Ministry and OISCA staff teaching the ways of planting and taking care of seedlings
Before tree planting, officials of Agriculture Ministry and OISCA staff teaching the ways of planting and taking care of seedlings


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   This school is located at Ganthiriyawa Village near the central part of Sri Lanka. The school joined CFP in 2016 with a view to restoring the previous rich forest and revitalizing environmental conservation activities at the school and in the community. OISCA coordinators held a series of pre-briefing sessions on the significance of the activities first to the principal and teachers, then to the local residents and children. After getting their understanding, full-fledged activities started. 

Children express a keen interest in preparing seedlings in pot
Children express a keen interest in preparing seedlings in pot

   DM. Duwini Rasanjalee, 11-years old pupil who won the first place in environmental art competition, commented: “CFP is a very effective program. We can change the world through CFP activities.”

Mr. TMA Thennakoon, school teacher, said: “I really appreciate the generous support of the Japanese people. The CFP activities serve, not only to promote environmental conservation, but also as an opportunity to deepen mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and Japan.”


In 2017, the school plans to organize, in addition to three planting, seminars on organic farming method to be taught to children. 


Nika/Wari Ganthiriyawa Maha Vidyalaya

  • Starting year of CFP:   2016      
  • Number of Students:   205
  • Location:                      Ganthiriyawa, Bamunakotuwa, Kurunegala, North Western                                                  Province 

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