Growing Since 1991

CFP was established in 1991 as a tree planting experience initiially in the Philippines. Since then, CFP activities have grown to include a variety of activities to engage school children and communities in more than 30 countries and territories.


Nearly 4, 450 schools have incorporated CFP in their environmental education curriculum and as important extracurricular activities. Although the scale of the program is relatively small at each school, all school children collectively learn the process of preserving and conserving a sustainable environment as a global community.


CFP activities are organized by school teachers, CFP coordinators, and OISCA International volunteers.

Why Tree Saplings?

Major environmental problems, such as deforestation, desertification, and climate change, have been emerging rapidly. Mother Earth has her limits and it is time for us to re-evaluate our relationships with the natural world and re-establish a sustainable interaction with it. 


OISCA International viewed the rapid deforestation of the planet as a major threat to the human community as a whole and implemented a number of projects in response. Deforestation causes the loss of soil and its nutrients, and is also a crucial factor in water-related issues like flooding and water shortages. The Children's Forest Program is a unique tree-planting campaign utilizing school systems and featuring children as the main actors. 

Why School Yards?

Planting on school yards and community areas reminds the children makes their environmental education experience as an everyday activity. By utilizing their school environment, they create a green space in which they can literally grow with knowledge.


Children's outdoor activities are slowly decreasing due to rapid technological modernazation as well as societal community threats. Because of this, children are provided second-hand knowledge about their environment, through media and hear-say. Instead of refering to second-hand information, it is essential for children to experience the wonders of their immediate surroundings first-hand. CFP hopes to provide environmental opportunities for all of the children around the world.

20th Anniversary Logo in 2011
20th Anniversary Logo in 2011

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